Thursday, May 1, 2008

Donations now Accepted!

Hi friends: Many of you have been hearing me talk about the recycling project I want to start and I'm taking all of May off to do it!

I'm collecting donations from productions starting today! YIPEE. I have a storage space at Citi Wide Storage off Pearson Street in Long Island City - just call me and I'll meet the guys at the dock. Email me for my cell number. 

We're starting small, but if my instincts are correct, it won't stay that way! Among other things, I am trying to raise funds to: 
build a decent website (you are welcome to visit the crappy one I've built and see why), 
buy some software, 
get business cards, 
donation receipts, 
 hire a grant writer, etc. I figure this will be about 5,000- 6,000 and I bet with a summer of Flea Marketing I can make it...all on stuff you would have tossed or donated to heavens know where.

 Thanks to Aaron Canto for being the first donor!

For more information and info click here: I will be there Sunday May, 25th! 

 Come see me and maybe buy something...OH THE IRONY! I need to get legit and quick. My plan is to meet with City Officials, and Solicit celebrities who claim to be green, get corporate funding for serious dollars, and the list goes on. It's like it to look polished and professional - in other words - 

FUNDED. I am asking the City for 10,000 square feet that they already own. (Brooklyn Army Terminal perhaps?) It's just really important I'm buttoned up and fast. In addition, I'm excited to get the inertia going and getting people to think about how this industry can improve with just a simple little" transfer station" described on our crappy website: (still a work in progress - it's hard and I'm not good at it) When Film Biz opens we will accept everything: dead batteries, set paper, flats, flooring, paint, set dressing furniture etc. We'll either: 1) Find appropriate places to donate it to 2) recycle it properly 3)add it to our online prop house that eventually will wholly or in part sustain the operation.

 NOW HOWEVER, for the flea market I just need stuff that sells and people gobble other words, set dressing - candles, frames, curtains, throws, pillows, bedding, plants, rugs, kitchen smalls, bathroom smalls, hardware, art supplies, small furniture, vases, lighting - you get the idea. I can not currently provide a tax-deductible receipt. According to the Non-Profit Kit for Dummies, once we get a non-profit status 501(c)(3) and an EIN I can provide tax deductions after the fact. If you received this, It's because I know you'll believe me when I say I am not going to keep a DIME for myself. I'll repay myself any expenses, but I will NOT profit and I hope you believe me. I will post earnings/expenses on the blog and any donor will always be allowed access to my receipts and balance sheets. This is a super long letter and I'm sorry, but I feel so strongly and my head is spinning with things I need to do. NOT TO BE MISSED::::::::>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SAVE THE DATE AUGUST 23RD for the most bad ass fund raiser you've EVER been to.........

The Allen Oldies Band from Houston, Texas and Celebrity BINGO for exciting prizes and dancing and drinking all night long. THIS will be great! This fundraiser will put towards a hybrid cargo van. Aw yeah! Thanks! I'm open to suggestions, constructive ideas, questions and if you know any celebrities please let me know! 

 I'd call Brad Pitt and Ed Norton right now if I had a decent website to show what an amazing and necessary idea this is! Volunteers needed!

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