Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's been an incredible week! Some bummers.

Monday was fantastic. I had a meeting with the folks that helped Build it Green get it's first grant and they were excited and eager to help. I've been on cloud nine, but anxious because I have sooo much to do! T

uesday I wrote, made phone calls, wrote emails and had lunch with a friend. No more social calls. I don't have the time. I'm in a hurry. 

Wednesday I met with the Mayor's Office of Film and Television. Great meeting. 

Basically, I learned that lots of folks are out there trying to make it a more sustainable business. The generators are being taken care of. Thank goodness. I can concentrate on sets and materials. 

 All I have spoken to are excited and want to help: LeNoble Lumber, Expendables Plus, Konduit, Artificial Reality, and every crew member is totally behind this. I just have to get the proposal written. I just have to get the proposal written. Bummers: I had to cancel/postpone the fundraiser. Wrong place, wrong time. I was looking forward to a good party. Wah. 

 Silver Cup is sort of blowing me off. (?) I'm starting to get a green-wash vibe and find it rather confusing. I've been working on commercials there for 15 years, Alan Suna knows me by name as does his staff. I'm not asking him for space or's just weird to me. 

I'll just keep on keeping on and try later when maybe he realizes Film Biz Recycling is for real and not Little Miss Blondie's pipe dream.

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