Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A 12 ton week!

The week of March 30th 2009 was a big week for Film Biz Recycling, charities and the environment. Instead of filling dumpsters, the New York City film industry is choosing to address environmental and social bottom lines by donating all goods to Film Biz Recycling. We, in turn, donate 90% of the donations to local charities.

The reuse center is coming right along!

Here's how the week went down:

We received donations from:

Life on Mars ( TV show)
Away We Go (feature)
Jack Goes Boating (feature)
The Extra Man (feature)
and 2 commericials

Lots of boxes and sorting and heavy lifting. All in all, last week was an estimated 12 TON week - lots of stuff, but not all of it we keep - not even close.

New York Clothing Bank got all the wardrobe sent directly to their warehouse.

Materials for the Arts is picking up a half a truckload from us next week.

Hour Children is picking 8 boxes of new children's clothes and toys.

Housing Works had an entire truck of beautiful furniture go directly to their warehouse as well a weekly pick up of used bubble wrap and used boxes (they do a lot of shipping)

Build it Green received 12 sinks, plumbing, lighting and some beautiful furniture.

Goodwill received two huge loads of home goods and clothing.

It's really amazing to watch the film industry contribute to all these different organizations. As an industry, I see more and more responsible decisions being made. We all have horror stories about dumpsters and perfectly good things going to waste. Slowly and surely that will be a practice in the past.

We do keep about 10% of the item for our Reuse Center and prop house. It helps us sustain operations and continue to advocate and research sustainable practices related to media production.

If you'd like to donate to Film Biz Recycling click here!